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Health & Breast Cancer

Dianna Shank

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010. At the time I was a marathon runner (16 times!) and breast cancer did not run in my family. After the initial shock, I experienced two surgeries, radiation and chemotherapy all within about 6 months. Because I had already registered for the Nike New Women's Marathon in San Francisco before my diagnosis, I decided to try and "run" that race (my 17th marathon!) mostly because (1) it was paid for, (2) I wanted to Tiffany necklace at the end, and (3) I had heard that near naked firefighters hand out those necklaces at the end (true!). I walked most of that race but once my treatment was completed, I just didn't find joy in running anymore. My husband suggested I try another sport so I took on a sprint triathlon that has led to lots of Olympic-distance triathlons and three half Ironmans (70.3). But more importantly, I have found a love for biking and CycleBar! Since my cancer journey, I have struggled with weight gain and confidence. But I love how my CycleBar classes make me joyous and part of the group. I know that I will never be super thin and young again, but CycleBar makes me feel something even better -- strong and and happy!


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