Here to help you succeed - they bring incomparable energy, training, enthusiasm, and charisma to each and every ride.

More Than Instructors
Equal parts educator, DJ, coach, motivator, and a friend; our CycleBar instructors will help you improve your performance, reach your goals, and change your life one ride at a time.
Do you have questions about indoor cycling, exercise or other fitness topics? CycleBar instructors have a wealth of information through extensive training to share (trust us, they want to), so don’t hesitate – ask them!
Do you love music? Fantastic – CycleBar is for you! Each and every class includes a custom-curated playlist by your CycleBar instructors. And if you want to keep your heart pumping post-class, you can! The playlist will be waiting for you in your email inbox!
CycleBar instructors will push you to exceed your goals from the very beginning of class until the very end, and even after. You got this!
Throughout each class, you will receive instruction and guidance (without the whistle!) to ensure that you get the most out of every class, safely.