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Elizabeth Doughty #CureALZ Story

When I first started my higher education, I always thought I would be working with athletes since I was a collegiate athlete. I loved being around sports and felt this is where I could help the most people. It was not until my second semester of my freshman year of college that I decided to take a class titled "Intro to Aging." In addition to going to class, we had the opportunity to spend time with older adults in a Long Term Care Facility. I was placed on the Alzheimer's wing. At first, I was a little apprehensive, nervous and worried this wasn't going to be for me. However, just the opposite happened! I fell in LOVE with this population. Even though their minds may not be where they once where, they still have a need to lead the best quality of life possible. Right then and there, I decided this was my path I wanted pursue and to help make a difference in people's lives who many people tend to shy away from. I am a Physical Therapist who works with advanced dementiapatients, particularly Alzheimer's, where I treat patient as well as educate staff and families on different approaches to communicate with loved ones. In addition, I am a Geriatric Certified Specialist certified by the American Physical Therapy Association and a Certified Dementia Practitioner certified by the National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners. Through these certifications, my goal is to provide the best care possible, educate others on how Physical Therapy and exercise can slow the progression of Alzheimer's, and allow for people with Alzheimer's to lead the best life possible. This is just another reason why I wanted to become a CycleStar. An extension of helping people be the best they can be with the body they have.


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