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Health & Breast Cancer

Lindsay Fryer

My life changed May 4, 2014. That was the day I felt a lump in my breast. A little over a week later, at the age of 30, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I went through treatment for 8 months, starting with a double mastectomy, followed by chemotherapy, and ending with radiation. After my diagnosis, I was adamant that cancer was only going to make me stronger and post treatment I threw myself back in to triathlons. I joined a triathlon team 4 years ago and discovered CycleBar a little over a year ago. I continue to get stronger year after year and CycleBar has been instrumental in my endurance training. I'm also so excited to combine my love of CycleBar and passion to give back to the breast cancer community by hosting my 2nd Annual CycleBar Fundraiser for YSC’s Tour De Pink. Young Survival Coalition is the premier organization dedicated to the critical issues unique to young adults affected by breast cancer. The ride will help me towards my fundraising goal so I can participate in the Young Survival Coalition's Tour de Pink - a three day 200 mile ride in Santa Barbara, CA this October. Today, I am a 5 year survivor. Being a survivor makes your life richer. Christina Applegate, a fellow breast cancer survivor, had said that "sometimes you feel lucky because you've been given this chance to change your life." Breast cancer continues to change my life and I am truly lucky.


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