

I'm born and raised in Houston Texas, home of BEYONCE;) I've enjoyed teaching spin classes for over 10 years now and spent a few years in Atlanta GA specifically teaching rhythm rides. I am certified in nutrition via Precision Nutrition, but know that movement is the other major key to a well-balanced mind & body. I LOVE CycleBar because it is an inclusive and supportive community where I can truly be myself on and off the bike. I honestly believe we build ourselves stronger during our rides to prepare us to be even more ready to tackle what's outside the studio theater. If you want a good throwback ride or simply just be encouraged for the first time on a bike don't be afraid to drop into one of my rides. As I always say, there is no requirement for coming into our rides, but smiling does burn more calories! Looking forward to teaching you all about isolations (my favorite bike movement) or just vibing to the music!