

What’s up party people?! I’m Madison and I’m from Detroit, Michigan! I moved out to Scottsdale back in March 2020 (yeah…not the most ideal time to pick up and move across the country) to get the heck out of the cold and I couldn’t be happier with my “YOLO” decision. I have been teaching for CycleBar for over 7 years and CycleBar McCormick Ranch was the first place I came once I got off the plane from Michigan. Our Mickey Ranch community has welcomed me with open arms and I couldn’t be more grateful! When I am not in the studio you will probably find me at Mullet Arena in Tempe! I am the in-game host for the Arizona Coyotes so if you ever come to a game…look out for me on the jumbotron! I also own Arizona’s first and only open-air party bus company called the Scottsdale Party Bus Crawler! If you’re ever looking for a party bus in the valley…I’m your girl! Thank you to all the riders for being the amazing humans that you are. Us instructors could not do we what do without each and every one of YOU!