

Hello, I am Brogan! I have always had a passion for fitness and grew up dancing most of my life. My love for indoor cycling happened because of my dad, my best friend in the entire world. It was his favorite way to exercise and it quickly became mine. It was something we always did together. When he passed, it was my therapy and it still is to this day. I love being on that bike for 45 minutes and being able to let go, have fun, challenge myself, and be myself. This CycleBar community is so strong and something I haven't felt since my dancing days. When my husband and I moved to Texas from Arizona two years ago, I was searching for a community and CycleBar has given that to me tenfold! Being in that theater brings me so much joy and I feel my dad in there with me every time I ride. I want my riders to leave my class feeling empowered, energized, and happy! I love being on that bike and I hope you do too!