

Where to start…well, coming from a small town in Maine, I always felt like I belonged somewhere bigger! After graduating high school I moved to Ft Lauderdale, FL and found so much love in my new “home”. I pursued a degree in Entrepreneurship, as I was sure of one thing in life—owning my own business. With multiple endeavors on the brain, I never felt deeply about any until the day I met CycleBar. With zero interest in exercise, cycling at CycleBar turned my world right-side up. Finally I found a workout that I loved, and best part—I found true myself! It was like a drug I could not live without. One class turned into 100, and I was sure, CycleBar was it. Fast forward two years—owner of CycleBar Portland AND CycleStar (who would have thought?), a true dream come true. Sometimes we have to lose ourselves to find ourselves and during my class you can expect to take that journey. We only have few moments in life to be selfish—my class is one of those. Ride with me, let go of whatever weighs you down—stress, anxiety or any other bullsh*it life challenges you with. My playlists are much like my personality, unpredictable…everyday and class is another chance to believe more, love deeper, finding your power, your strength, and achieving one goal—to leave being better, then when you walked through our doors.