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Fitness & Health & Community & success story


A lot has changed between these pictures physically. What has changed the most is mental/emotional...
I found CycleBar at the lowest point in my life. I lost my mom to cancer two years prior and had been neglecting myself physically and mentally. Then I found CycleBar and it changed my life. The community here pulled me out of my slump and lifted me up.
I an no longer hiding behind my smile. My smile reflects how I feel on the inside!
I’m surrounded by such inspiring and uplifting people (many who have become very close friends).
For the first time I LOVE MYSELF.
Not because of the weight I’ve lost but because of what my body can do.
I’ve found my true self that’s been locked away thanks to these stationary bikes.
I am the best version of myself thanks to CycleBar and my Bloomfield Hills studio.


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